White Man’s Religion?
Possibly the single biggest deterrent to Christianity within the black community is the notion that Christianity is just a “white man’s religion”.
A common thought is that because Christianity was used by white slave owners to justify slavery, it is something we as Africans ought to disassociate with. Many are also hurt by the image of white Jesus that was used to propagate racial superiority.
Let’s address this:
What did Jesus actually look like?
The truth is no one can be certain. There is no description of the physical features of Jesus in the Bible. The most we have is a description of what he didn't look like in Isaiah 53:2 which basically describes him as ordinary-looking with “no form or majesty that we should look at him”.
People often use Revelation 1:15 to say the description of “bronze feet” implies his skin was brown/ black. Not quite. Revelation is a book of apocalyptic literature where John describes an extensive vision God showed him of the end times. In Chapter 1, John describes seeing Jesus in his glorified state. This should in no way be taken as a literal, physical description of the Jesus that John ate and travelled with. If so, not only did Jesus have bronze feet, but he also had white hair, fire in his eyes, a face as bright as the sun, a sword sticking out his mouth and 7 stars in his hand. (Rev 1:14-16)
Surely John would’ve also remembered to include in his synoptic account that “the carpenter guy from Nazareth not only fed a bunch of people but dude literally walked around with 7 stars in his right hand!”
Instead, the Gospels are dead silent about his physical appearance.
The silence of scripture speaks volumes. It forces us to tuck away our biases and focus on the character of the person above all else. The silence also indicates the fact that his ordinary appearance just wasn't worth noting.
Jesus was a monotheistic Jew born in Judea, modern-day Palestine/ Israel. We know at least, based on his Semitic roots that Jesus likely had light to dark brown skin.
But this doesn't really matter. Redemption isn’t in his skin colour, it’s in his blood. Eph 1:7
His blood is the only colour that matters. It completely covers all. When Jesus gave his life, he made it possible for our sins to be completely washed away. “..they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Rev 7:14, Isa 1:18).
Christianity isn't a white man's religion, it's a world religion. This is supported by the fact that Christianity is the most ethnically diverse religion in the world and is built on doctrines like Galatians 3:28 which says: "There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus"
What about those Christian slave owners?
The issue a lot of people have with Christianity isn't Jesus, it's how he's been misrepresented and abused over time.
Christianity has been used to justify so many wicked actions to the point where even Christians are trying to detach from the term ‘religion’. Just like any book, anyone can take scriptures out of context and make them say what they want them to say. The verse mentioned earlier of there being neither “slave nor free” was one of many verses and books not included in the ‘Slave Bible’.- An altered Bible made specifically for African slaves to keep them in check. This gross manipulation of the Word of God tells you a lot about those self-proclaimed ‘Christian’ slave owners, but absolutely nothing about Christ. When we allow scripture to speak freely it communicates a just and loving God who opposes oppression in all forms and deeply relates with human suffering, having experienced it himself.
Faith in Jesus has nothing to do with the actions of other people but everything to do with what Christ has done for us. Those of us in the black community shouldn’t give racist slave owners power over our eternal salvation. In no way is it selfish nor should we bear any guilt for finding ultimate freedom in Christ Jesus.
“Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation, anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.” - Acts 10:34-35